
  1. 3. - _____ is always bonded with cytosine
  2. 4. - particles made of RNA and protien that cut introns from mRNA primary transcrit and joins together the remaining coding exon regions
  3. 5. - contains ribose sugar
  4. 7. - who first isolated DNA
  5. 9. - the ____ strand is built continuously toward the replication fork
  6. 14. - noncoding regions are filled with base pairs that repeat oveer and over
  7. 15. - this enzyme relieves any tension from the unwinding of the double helix
  1. 1. - mRNA that has to be modified before exiting the nucleus on eularyotic cells
  2. 2. - a complete set of genetic information for humans
  3. 6. - the junction where the strands are still joined
  4. 8. - ____ _____ joins Okazaki fragments
  5. 10. - sequence of DNA that binds RNA polymerase upstream of a gene
  6. 11. - the pairing of complementary strands of DNA through hydrogen bonding
  7. 12. - changes or errors made in the DNA sequence
  8. 13. - this enzyme breaks hydrogen bonds holdings the two complimentarty parent strands togetherm resulting in an unzipped helix