
  1. 2. The scientific study of heredity
  2. 3. Haploid reproductive cells
  3. 6. Having two different alleles at a specific locus
  4. 8. A version of a gene
  5. 9. A trait that can be passed on to offspring
  6. 12. An organism's unique combination of alleles
  7. 13. The cycle that produces gametes
  1. 1. The outward appearance or expression of a trait
  2. 4. Sister chromatids are pulled apart during this phase
  3. 5. The law of independent _______ states that alleles for one trait are passed on without being influenced by other traits
  4. 7. This type of trait can skip generations
  5. 10. Autosomal cell division
  6. 11. A segment of DNA that codes for a specific character