
  1. 4. Homozygous for a particular trait
  2. 5. A random permanent change in the base sequence of DNA.
  3. 6. used to show the inheritance of a specific trait through generations.
  4. 8. The differences between individuals of a population.
  5. 11. Comprised of a base, a phosphate and a sugar
  6. 12. An allele that is only expressed if two of that allele are present.
  7. 13. An allele that is always expressed if at least one of that allele is present.
  1. 1. Cell with full number of chromosomes.
  2. 2. The genetic material in a cell.
  3. 3. Used to determine whether an organism is purebred or not.
  4. 7. A cell with half the number of chromosomes.
  5. 9. A base that is represented of by a C.
  6. 10. A section of DNA that codes for a particular trait.