
  1. 6. The combination of alleles.
  2. 8. Two alleles of a gene with different information.
  3. 10. A genetic factor that blocks the expression of another factor.
  4. 11. A section of DNA that has information about a specific trait.
  5. 12. The study of how traits are passed from parents to offspring.
  1. 1. How traits are passed from parents to offspring.
  2. 2. Inheritance that is determined by more factors.
  3. 3. Each form of a gene.
  4. 4. A factor that is hidden in the presence of a dominant factor.
  5. 5. Two alleles of a gene with the same information.
  6. 7. All observable traits of an organism.
  7. 9. Inheritance that is determined by two alleles and one gene.