
  1. 2. a gene with characteristics which are not as strong as those on a dominant gene
  2. 5. to investigate the genetic make up or constitution of an organism or group of organisms, or to assign an organism into a specific group based on its genetic constitution.
  3. 7. The sexual or asexual process by which organisms generate new individuals of the same kind, procreation
  4. 8. the property of one of a pair of alleles or traits that suppresses expression of the other in the heterozygous condition
  5. 10. when a cell has tow identical copies of a gene
  6. 11. The molecule that carries genetic information in all living systems
  7. 12. Genetics is the study of genes, heredity and genetic variation in living organisms.
  1. 1. having dissimilar alleles at corresponding chromosomal loci
  2. 3. The genetic change that causes differing characteristics between organisms in a certain species
  3. 4. A structure in all living cells that consist of a single molecule of DNA bonded to various proteins and that carries the genes determining heredity.
  4. 6. is the composite of an organism observable characteristics or traits
  5. 9. one king of alternative form of a genes or it can also be an alternative form of a group of genes known as genetic locus