
  1. 2. Books that are meant to scare you.
  2. 6. Books that imagine futuristic science and technology.
  3. 9. Books where the main character is an athlete or involved in sports.
  4. 10. Books meant to make you laugh.
  1. 1. Books where the main character goes on a journey.
  2. 2. Fictional story that takes place during a real, nonfiction, historical event or time.
  3. 3. Stories that could have happened in the real world, but didn’t.
  4. 4. Books that have magical elements that don’t exist in the real world.
  5. 5. Books where the main plot involves animals or the main characters are animals.
  6. 7. Books that have supernatural elements but aren’t meant to be scary.
  7. 8. Books where something, usually a crime, is left unsolved until the end.