genshin impact

  1. 2. a loyal friend of kamisato ayato
  2. 4. a fatui harbinger that has a water vision
  3. 5. a leader, she/he heals and has a lot of strategies
  4. 8. is different from her sisters in the church
  5. 13. the only living yaksha
  6. 15. is always trying to sleep anytime she/he could
  7. 16. the acting grand master of the knights of favonius
  8. 18. a leader of a gang, kujou sara have seized his/her vision once.
  9. 19. is always viewed as contempt by the people of mondsdadt because of her clan
  10. 21. an astrologist that is poor
  11. 23. known as one of the best lawyers in liyue
  12. 24. librarian that gets mad if people dont return the books they borrow
  13. 25. an exorcist, yet never even saw an evil spirit
  14. 26. a famous opera dancer in liyue
  15. 27. a famous chef in liyue
  1. 1. works in the bubu pharmacy
  2. 3. owner of the wangsheng funeral parlor
  3. 5. has ever been to khaenriah
  4. 6. would forget to bring mora everytime
  5. 7. rocks out to music
  6. 9. one of the most broken 4 stars in the game, yet he/she is unlucky
  7. 10. does not like diluc
  8. 11. loves fireworks
  9. 12. an alchemist student
  10. 14. a younger sister of jean
  11. 17. prepares for a test a year before it actually happens
  12. 20. is a human that got raised by a group of animals
  13. 22. richest person known in teyvat