Geographical Perspectives Review

  1. 4. The country to the south of the US
  2. 5. 23.5 is the Earth's _______
  3. 8. These invisible lines on Earth run horizontal
  4. 9. The state you live in
  5. 10. The country to the north of the US
  6. 15. The river that divides the US into two regions
  7. 16. We have these because of the Earth's tilt
  8. 19. Powerful civilization that was located in South America
  9. 20. The continent that Canada is on
  10. 21. The type of tree that loses its leaves in fall
  11. 22. ______America is the area also known as Latin America
  12. 24. The sea near Latin America
  13. 25. This country has a giant man made canal
  14. 28. The name of the ocean on the East side of the US
  15. 29. The name of the ocean on the West side of the US
  16. 30. There are 4 of these "areas" on Earth
  1. 1. The type of tree that has needles
  2. 2. One of Canada's official languages
  3. 3. The state to the northeast of Idaho
  4. 6. Latin America has many of these natural disasters
  5. 7. A country located in South America
  6. 11. The largest US state according to land
  7. 12. Latin America has many of these landforms
  8. 13. _______ Nations is what Canada calls their Native Population
  9. 14. Canada has these instead of States
  10. 17. One of the civilizations that used to be in Central America
  11. 18. Large mountain range in South America
  12. 21. In Summer, we get _______ sunlight
  13. 23. North American Free Trade Organization
  14. 26. Powerful civilization that was located in present day Mexico
  15. 27. These invisible lines on Earth run vertical