
  1. 2. interspace of two or more things
  2. 3. every place has a global address or..
  3. 5. One of the halves in which earth is divided
  4. 7. Indicates directions
  5. 9. Tell you about the info.of the map
  6. 15. a globe
  7. 18. “Can you send me your….?”
  8. 19. model a globe
  9. 20. a map
  1. 1. people who make maps
  2. 4. when lines form a patter
  3. 6. a car in which you can travel
  4. 8. East of the prime meridian 180
  5. 10. the way cartographers create maps
  6. 11. shows the globe in a cylinder
  7. 12. show the earth centered
  8. 13. Show the relationship between map measurements
  9. 14. It lists and explains the color, symbols and lines
  10. 16. where we live
  11. 17. lines that circle the earth