
  1. 3. a group of five freshwater lakes of central North America between the United States and Canada; the lakes are Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior
  2. 5. Robinson projection, Mercator-Wright projection, Gall-Peters projection, Goode Homolosine projection, and AuthaGraph projection.
  3. 7. gives an estimate of where a place is found. (e.g. Canada is north of the USA)
  4. 10. Line of latitude at 23.5°N that marks the boundary of the tropical zone
  5. 11. tells what the map is about, revealing the map's purpose and content
  6. 13. Lines a set of imaginary lines that run parallel to the prime meridian, lines run North to South
  7. 15. compares a distance on a map with a distance in the real world
  8. 16. a factor that causes people to leave their homelands and migrate to another region
  9. 17. What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States?
  10. 18. Large pieces of land that cover parts of the Earth: Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica.
  11. 21. Ocean east of Africa, south of Asia, and west of Australia
  12. 22. The study of the physical features of the Earth, including how humans affect the Earth and are affected by it.
  13. 24. Climate zone north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle
  14. 28. the line of latitude at 66°33'S that marks the boundary of the southern polar zone
  15. 30. to move permanently to a new country
  16. 32. A member of a people inhabiting the Arctic (northern Canada or Greenland or Alaska or eastern Siberia)
  17. 33. Characteristics Parts of the Earth's surface that have been made by humans, such as roads, monuments, buildings, etc.
  18. 35. A factor that draws or attracts people to another location
  19. 36. An imaginary line that divides the world into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. 0 degrees Latitude.
  20. 38. Places united by shared characteristics
  21. 39. Warm temperatures characterize this climate zone between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
  22. 42. What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States?
  23. 43. Movement, Region, Human-Environment Interaction, Location, Place
  24. 45. This is a holiday that was created to honor Native Americans - their history and their culture.
  25. 46. A map that shows man-made boundaries, like countries, states, and cities
  26. 47. A table that shows what symbols and information on a mean on a map.
  27. 48. movement of people from one place to another
  28. 49. The study how humans have affected the Earth's physical features and how the arrangement of those features have affected humans.
  29. 50. A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster
  30. 51. An imaginary line that runs North and South on the globe that divides the Earth into the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. 0 Degrees Longitude.
  1. 1. Tells where a point is on the Earth's surface (absolute & relative).
  2. 2. a map that shows a particular theme, or topic
  3. 3. The migration of some six million African Americans from rural areas of the Southern states of the United States to urban areas in the Northern states between 1916 and 1970.
  4. 4. The relationships between people and their environment; how people adapt to the environment and how they change it.
  5. 6. A major mountain system of the United States and Canada, extending 3,000 miles from Alaska south to New Mexico
  6. 8. leave one's own country in order to settle permanently in another.
  7. 9. Thinking about the space on Earth's surface, including where places are located and why they are there.
  8. 12. Line of latitude at 23.5°S that marks the boundary of the tropical zone
  9. 14. Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Novia Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, and Prince Edward Island, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon
  10. 16. the study of physical features of the earth's surface
  11. 19. Northeast, Southwest, West, Midwest, Southeast
  12. 20. a set of imaginary lines that run parallel to the equator, lines run East to West
  13. 23. The description of what a place looks like; a "snapshot" or "postcard" of a location. It tells what it is like there using physical and human characteristics.
  14. 25. Ocean north of Europe, Asia, and North America
  15. 26. climate zone Moderate climate zone between the polar zones and the tropics
  16. 27. a way of representing the spherical Earth on a flat surface
  17. 29. A tool on a map showing cardinal (N,E,S,W) and intermediate (NE,SE,NW,SW) directions.
  18. 31. the line of latitude at 66°33'N that marks the boundary of the northern polar zone
  19. 34. The exchange of people, goods & ideas around the world
  20. 37. the 2000 mile wide expanse of land that connected Siberia to Alaska
  21. 40. Features that make up the earth's surface such as a plain, mountain, or valley.
  22. 41. The exact position of a place on the earth's surface. (e.g. coordinates or an address)
  23. 44. A map that shows general geographic information about an area, including the locations of cities, boundaries, roads, mountains, rivers, and coastlines.