
  1. 4. This map shows underground features.
  2. 5. The opposite of North
  3. 6. Capital of Hanover
  4. 10. The opposite of west.
  5. 11. Instrument used to find direction
  6. 12. The capital of Trelawny
  7. 13. Capital of St. James
  8. 14. A large wave created by earthquakes.
  9. 15. This tells the meaning of map symbols.
  1. 1. The compass needle always point________
  2. 2. This map shows parish borders and capitals
  3. 3. This map shows climate zones.
  4. 7. Capital of Clarendon
  5. 8. This is used to find distance on a map.
  6. 9. A sudden vibration in the earth's crust