- 2. With every chapter we will have a map...
- 6. Vocabulary definitions will be in your own...
- 7. How much are exams worth?
- 10. Exams and quizzes are...
- 12. What time are quizzes and
- 15. When should you email our professor?
- 16. How many chapter quizzes are there?
- 1. With each chapter we will have a class...
- 3. Where should drafts be submitted?
- 4. Do vocabulary words have to only be the bolded vocab from the book?
- 5. How many topics will we focus on from each chapter?
- 8. Are map quizzes open notes?
- 9. The final exam is...
- 11. How many cartography skills quizzes are there?
- 13. due?
- 14. How many attempts do you have on exams?