
  1. 3. Each chapter you will be asked to make a list of ____ words with your own definitions.
  2. 7. What is 30% of your grade.
  3. 8. academic dishonesty
  4. 9. You get ____ attempt at map quizzes.
  5. 11. are worth 20% of your final grade.
  6. 12. Will be used for any writing assignments.
  7. 13. Late work is ____ allowed unless prior discussion.
  1. 1. Where can you find our professor M-W, F 10-11am.
  2. 2. First step when having a question is to check the _____.
  3. 4. There are 50 questions on _____.
  4. 5. will be available for you to submit drafts of your assignments to check similarity index.
  5. 6. Chapter quizzes are ____ book & notes.
  6. 10. You will receive feedback and grades within a ____ of submission.
  7. 11. When are chapter quizzes due.