
  1. 4. when people place their homes following a road or river
  2. 5. trains, buses and combis are __ transport
  3. 6. smaller than a city, bigger that a village
  4. 9. zone with factories
  5. 12. cutting down trees and not replacing them
  6. 13. __ land is easier to build on
  7. 14. land use zone just outside of the CBD
  8. 16. where trains move
  1. 1. ___goods are also called high-order goods
  2. 2. Central _______ District
  3. 3. where people live
  4. 7. method of reducing traffic congestion
  5. 8. many cars
  6. 10. towns and cities
  7. 11. capital city of zimbabwe
  8. 15. countryside