
  1. 5. zone an area of the earth's surface that generally shares the same temperatures, rainfall and heat from the sun
  2. 6. a part of the earths surface that is identified and given meaning by people
  3. 10. The ongoing capacity of Earth to maintain all life
  4. 11. energy A resource that can regrown over time.
  5. 13. space A term given to an area of natural vegetation or place of recreation
  6. 15. A group of people who share the same place, interests or belief systems
  7. 16. The facilities and services necessary for any community,city or country to function
  8. 17. hazards these are exteme and unusual events that occur naturally
  9. 18. a rate or change or improvement in a particular area
  1. 1. The term given to the area in which pepole live
  2. 2. the measure of what a place is like to live in
  3. 3. the average weather of a particular location over an extended period of time
  4. 4. the background of a person or group of people
  5. 7. a large or important town
  6. 8. any hazardous or potienally hazardous substance released into the environment
  7. 9. a term given to somethings that is no longer useful or required
  8. 11. A term used to describe an area located outside cities and towns.
  9. 12. A term used to describe a built up area such as a city or town
  10. 14. The total number of people that live in a particular place permanently
  11. 19. degradation the wearing down of land resources through human actions.