Geography - Agriculture

  1. 3. when you have an excess of crops
  2. 8. these are the type of crops that uses natural varieties and natural farming techniques
  3. 9. the rearing of animals
  4. 10. the construction of this nearby may improve the supply of water and allow new irrigation channels to be built
  5. 11. this is the growing of only one type of crop
  6. 12. this is a problem that affects farmers when you only grow one type of crop. It can wipe out the crop entirely.
  7. 13. a large tall building designed to store and protect crops that have been harvested
  8. 14. these are the type of crops that have their genes altered to improve their quality or quantity
  1. 1. a type of farming that involves only rearing enough animals and/or growing enough crops to support immediate friends and family
  2. 2. when the demand for food exceeds the supply of food leading to undernourishment
  3. 4. by doing this farmers may be able to increase the size of their land and it also reduces the use of water
  4. 5. the growing of crops
  5. 6. a type of farming that has the purpose of making a profit
  6. 7. the production of crops and/or livestock
  7. 12. when the demand for water exceeds the supply of water causing water shortages