Geography Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. the equator is an imaginary line that _____ the world into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
  2. 4. things people get from the Earth to meet their needs for food, clothing, and shelter
  3. 8. studies how one _____ is different from another
  4. 10. shows kinds of land and bodies of water
  5. 13. helps measure distance on a map
  6. 15. _____ location uses cardinal directions to find the general location of a place
  7. 17. grouping places by how they are similar
  8. 18. imaginary line that runs north and south on the globez
  9. 19. tells where things are
  10. 20. large pieces of land
  11. 22. how people help or hurt the place they live is called human-_____ interaction
  12. 23. landforms that have low slopes and a flat area on top
  13. 24. A compass rose is a symbol on a map that shows _____
  1. 1. equal halves of a sphere
  2. 2. non-renewable resources are natural resources that _____ be replaced when they are used up
  3. 5. _____ resources can be replaced
  4. 6. the different shapes and types of land on Earth
  5. 7. movement studies types of _____, imports and exports, and how people share ideas
  6. 9. shows cities, states, and countries
  7. 11. The cardinal directions are north, _____, east, and west
  8. 12. _____ location uses latitude and longitude to show the location of a place
  9. 14. a legend/key shows what _____ mean on a map
  10. 16. lines that measure distance from the Prime Meridian
  11. 21. lines that measure the distance from the equator