Geography Definition Review

  1. 4. Focuses on a particular feature or theme; emphasizes a single idea or particular kind of information about an area
  2. 7. Formula used to depict Earth's surface unto the surface of a map
  3. 9. Shows boundaries between areas like countries, cities, and states that are labeled, also identifies bodies of water and other physical features
  4. 12. The height of a land surface
  1. 1. Shows areas physical features like mountains, ranges, rivers, etc.
  2. 2. A map produced from memory
  3. 3. Location in relation to other places
  4. 5. Method that brings changes to the physical or human geography
  5. 6. The process and study of making maps
  6. 8. The variation in elevation across an area of Earth's land
  7. 10. Observable model, style, or trend in maps
  8. 11. Study of the relationship between Earth's people, places, physical features, and environment