  1. 2. ore/backbone of industrial devolopment
  2. 4. abundantly available fossil fuel in india
  3. 5. nodules/the ocean beds are rich in this mineral
  4. 9. non metalic mineral found in layers or sheets
  5. 11. generated from the force of oceanic tides
  6. 14. containing iron ore
  7. 15. rocks/mineral formed in sedimentary rocks
  8. 16. devlopment/energy is a basic requirement for?
  9. 17. is derived from which ore?
  10. 21. popular variety of coal used for industrial purpose
  11. 22. salt/these are formed as a result of evaporation in arid regions
  12. 23. grade coal
  13. 27. producer of manganese in india
  14. 29. thermal energy/electricity generated frominterior of earth
  15. 31. in manufacturing ferr manganesse alloy
  16. 35. deposits are known to be one of the largest in the world
  17. 38. grade brown coal
  18. 40. power/energy generated from force of wind
  1. 1. rocks/zinc is obtained from?
  2. 3. balaghat mines in madhya pradesh is famous for its?
  3. 6. in fault traps of rocks
  4. 7. high/petroleum in india in mainly extracted from?
  5. 8. minerals/minerals from which energy is obtained
  6. 9. quality of iron
  7. 10. naturally occuring substances
  8. 12. important quality of iron important in industrial field
  9. 13. ferrous/minerals which do not contain iron ore
  10. 18. hills/deposits of bauxite are found in?
  11. 19. generated from organic waste
  12. 20. valley/famous for its coal deposits in india
  13. 24. is important for sustainance of minerals
  14. 25. electricity/energy generated from fossil fuels
  15. 26. furnace/lime stone is widely used for?
  16. 28. minerals/minerals from which energy is obtained
  17. 30. of this has replaced liquid fuels in vehicles
  18. 32. valley/a place in india which has enormous possibility for tapping gep thermal energy
  19. 33. nagpur plateau/mica deposits are widely found in?
  20. 34. diseases/people working in mining fields are prone to which disease?
  21. 36. electricity/a source of energy generated from force of running water
  22. 37. energy/energy generated from sunlight
  23. 38. mineral which contains calcium carbonates
  24. 39. gas/a clean energy resource foound in association with petroleum