Geography - Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. the actual location that the earthquake takes place (always in the crust)
  2. 5. molten rock under the crust
  3. 7. this measures how strong an earthquake is
  4. 10. a long tube or pipe that allows magma to escape to the surface
  5. 11. the thickest section of the earth and it is often described as semi molten
  6. 12. when two continental plates move alongside each other
  7. 13. when two continental plates collide and they form fold mountains
  8. 14. molten rock on the surface of the earth
  9. 15. the location on the surface directly above the focus
  1. 1. a hole in the earth's surface where magma,gas or ash escapes onto the earth's surface or into the atmosphere
  2. 2. a series of vibrations or movements in the earth's crust
  3. 4. when two oceanic plates are moving apart
  4. 6. when an oceanic and continental plate collide together. The oceanic plate is then forced under the continental plate
  5. 8. this is an earthquake that happens after the main earthquake occurs
  6. 9. a giant hole left by a volcanic eruption