Geography Unit 2

  1. 3. Break down rocks into _______
  2. 5. _________ are huge land masses
  3. 6. The western ___________ has huge rocky mountains
  4. 7. the St. Lawrence __________ are around the great lakes
  5. 11. The Canadian Shield was formed ______ of years ago
  6. 13. The Canadian _____
  7. 15. Are in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
  8. 16. big ice balls that rain down
  9. 21. If you live on the _______ than you might have different weather than someone inland
  10. 24. ________ are a result of plate tectonics
  11. 25. ________ are random rocks dropped by glaciers
  12. 26. ______ tectonics
  13. 28. _________ is just below the grass
  14. 30. _________ plates are in constant motion
  15. 31. climate graphs use ____ to show precipitation
  16. 32. ______ carries away rock
  17. 33. The climate in northern Canada is _____
  1. 1. Big _________ can sometimes affect climate
  2. 2. The mega continent
  3. 4. _________ happen when tectonic plates collide
  4. 8. _______ is just below topsoil
  5. 9. _______ are upside-down spoon shaped hills made by glaciers
  6. 10. climate graphs use ________ to show temperature
  7. 12. The great ______ were made by an ice sheet
  8. 14. There are many _______ volcanos on the west coast of Canada
  9. 17. the ________ ice sheet covered most of Canada
  10. 18. ______ is molten rock
  11. 19. Is common on the coast
  12. 20. There are many volcanos in the ______ ocean
  13. 22. The ______ nail was worn
  14. 23. the continents fit _______
  15. 27. _______ are big masses of ice
  16. 29. Is white and fluffy
  17. 31. for below ground