Geography Vocabulary

  1. 3. a geographic boundary that separates the Piedmont and Coastal Plain regions; named for decrease in elevation
  2. 4. important Georgia river that forms part of the western boundary of the state
  3. 8. Georgia’s smallest region located in the northwestern corner of the state
  4. 9. lines of latitude and longitude that divide the earth into halves
  5. 10. a composite of prevailing weather conditions of a location
  6. 11. the world’s largest land masses
  7. 13. pitch, tar, and resin that is taken from pine trees and used in ship building.
  8. 14. Georgia’s northeastern region; receives more rainfall than any other region; many major rivers begin here
  9. 15. islands located off the coast of Georgia; provides protection from hurricanes to the georgia coast
  10. 16. Georgia’s largest region which makes up 3/5 of the state
  11. 17. major river that is used for trade and makes up Georgia’s eastern border with South carolina
  1. 1. a mountain chain that stretches from Georgia to Maine
  2. 2. a land mass inhabited by people who share a common territory and government
  3. 5. a name for a group of mountains located in the Appalachian chain that are characterized by a “blue” haze that surrounds their peaks
  4. 6. Georgia region characterized by low open valleys and narrow ridges
  5. 7. Georgia’s most populated region known for its red clay; also known as “foot of the
  6. 12. the largest swamp in North America; located in southeastern Georgia.