Geography Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

  1. 6. a stream or small river that flows into a bigger river
  2. 7. height above sea level
  3. 9. a thick sheet of ice
  4. 11. a narrow strip of land
  5. 13. A map maker.
  6. 14. An instrument used to make astronomical measurements
  7. 15. To align or position a map according to the points of a compass.
  1. 1. A symbol on a map used to display the orientation of the cardinal directions
  2. 2. condition of the air at any given time and place
  3. 3. a large raised area of flat or gently rolling land
  4. 4. average weather of a place over a period of 20 to 30 years
  5. 5. the study of people, their environments, and their resources
  6. 8. A line of longitude.
  7. 10. an account of what happened in the development of a people
  8. 12. an astronomical instrument used to determine latitude.