
  1. 1. A type of magma which is erupted by a volcano
  2. 5. The icy part of a mountain
  3. 8. The capital city of the Philippines
  4. 10. The most external layer of the lithosphere
  5. 13. A type of clustering of different administrative centers
  6. 14. A river that takes the greatest area including all its inflows
  7. 15. A class of areas with high humidity, low pressure, a lot of eternally green plants
  8. 16. One of the greatest worldwide travelers of all time whose name was used as a prototype one for one of the contemporary continent
  9. 18. A country with the greatest amount of crude oil stored
  10. 19. A line of the imaginary half circle which connects two poles
  11. 21. There is a lot of that in Kazakhstan
  1. 2. A collection of different types of maps
  2. 3. A place where water is collected artificially
  3. 4. A mountain range which contains the highest peak in the world
  4. 6. The medium layer of the Earth
  5. 7. A description of physical and natural features of a place
  6. 9. A discipline which investigates economic, politic and social position of a country or any other administrative region with regard to its location
  7. 11. The 8th greatest country in the world(by area occupied)
  8. 12. The second major layer of atmosphere
  9. 16. A low area between mountains
  10. 17. The amount of water which is absorbed in atmosphere
  11. 20. An area of water which has no access to any sea or ocean