
  1. 2. the way the map is shown
  2. 3. the way it is all year round
  3. 4. a graph used to show temperature
  4. 7. how it is that day
  5. 8. defect in earth's crust
  6. 9. aid to a foreign country
  7. 10. layer of earths surface
  8. 11. what the halves of earth are called
  9. 14. a non-absolute area
  10. 16. something used to make things smaller on a map
  11. 18. study of earth
  1. 1. moving to one area to another
  2. 2. a type of graph that uses pictures to represent numbers
  3. 5. goes from the north pole to the south pole single word
  4. 6. what earth spins on
  5. 10. is used to show something
  6. 12. what you live in
  7. 13. used to show distance from sea level
  8. 15. used to show something
  9. 17. used to show the key