
  1. 2. The center of energy release
  2. 5. Most common chemical sedimentary rock
  3. 7. "birth of mountains"
  4. 8. Crustal pieces that are attached or a accreted
  5. 9. "all Earth"
  6. 10. Vertical elevation differences across the surface
  7. 12. Release of energy that produces seismic waves
  8. 14. Fastest shock waves traveling through solid, liquid, and gas
  9. 15. Point closet to the surface
  10. 19. Also known as shockwaves
  11. 20. 3rd most important greenhouse gas produced by human activity
  1. 1. Spots on volcanoes
  2. 3. Coarse-grained rocks
  3. 4. Earth's rigid layer
  4. 6. Lower and upper ____ represent about 80% of Earth's total volume
  5. 11. When magma reaches surface
  6. 13. Study of Earth's past climates
  7. 16. What forms igneous rocks?
  8. 17. Measurement of land elevation relative to sea level
  9. 18. Minerals bounded together