GEOL 101 Chapter 13 Review Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. A glacial landform with steep-walled, pyramidal peaks
  2. 4. All sediment deposited by glacial ice
  3. 5. An end moraine that forms when the glacier’s terminus retreats,then stabilizes
  4. 7. A glacial landform that forms a steep-walled bowl-shaped depression
  5. 8. Glaciers that cover at least 50,000 km2
  6. 9. An arm of the sea which extends into a glacial trough eroded below sea level
  7. 10. Finely laminated, alternating light and dark layers of sediment
  8. 14. A moving body of ice on land that flows downslope or outward
  9. 16. ____ limit separates the zone of accumulation from the Zone of wastage
  10. 17. Long, sinuous ridges of stratified drift deposited by running water
  11. 21. Glaciers that flow into the ocean
  12. 22. The budget that occurs when the firn limit moves down the glacier, the glacier advances
  13. 24. Elongated hills of till
  14. 25. Moraine of sediment released from melting as a glacier’s terminus retreats
  1. 1. Rock fragments carried from the source by glaciers
  2. 3. The moraine that is deposited along the margins of a valley glacier
  3. 6. Drift that is deposited by a glacier that is layered and shows some sorting
  4. 11. Another name for valley glaciers
  5. 12. A narrow serrated ridge between two glacial valleys or cirques
  6. 13. A cirque that contains water
  7. 15. Formed by large blocks of ice left from a retreating glacier
  8. 18. The process by which ice evaporated directly from the surface of a glacier
  9. 19. A tributary valley whose floor is above the main valley
  10. 20. Conical hills of stratified drift originally deposited in a depression
  11. 23. Occurs when glacial ice freezes in the cracks and crevices of a bedrock projection