GEOL 101 Chapter 15 Review Crossword Puzzle

  1. 5. The area of the beach covered by water during high tide but exposed during low tide
  2. 7. Measure of the dissolved solids in seawater commonly expressed in parts per thousand
  3. 9. Have rounded, long crests
  4. 10. ____ base is the depth at which the circular orbits of water cease
  5. 11. Tides that progressively cover a nearshore area until high tide is reached
  6. 12. ____ zone is the sunlight layer of the ocean where plants photosynthesize
  7. 16. The distance a wave producing wind blows over a continuous body of water
  8. 17. Finger like projection of a beach into a body of water such as a bay
  9. 18. Top of the wave
  10. 19. A coast where the land has risen with respect to sea level
  11. 22. The distance between the crest of waves
  12. 24. Tides that result from the combined gravitational force oof the aligned Moon and Sun
  13. 26. ___ bar is a spit that has grown until it closes off a bay from the open sea or lake
  14. 27. Tides that occur when the Sun and Moon are at right angles to one another
  15. 28. Deep sea sediments composed mostly of shells of marine animals and plants
  16. 30. A coast that occurs where sea level rises with respect to the land or the land subsides
  17. 31. A current resulting from wave refraction found between the breaker zone and a beach that flows parallel to the shoreline
  18. 33. A narrow surface current that flows out to sea through the breaker zone
  19. 34. ___ zone is the depth in the ocean below which sunlight does not penetrate
  20. 35. Part of the backshore, composed of sediment deposited by waves
  1. 1. The area between mean low tide and the highest level on land affected by storm waves
  2. 2. A wave that steepens as it enters shallow water until its crest plunges forward
  3. 3. Large scale surface water circulation systems in the oceans that transfer heat across latitudes and help control regional temperatures
  4. 4. Marginal parts of oceans
  5. 5. The reef that results from a building up of coral attached to an island or continent
  6. 6. ___ height is the vertical distance from trough to crest
  7. 8. ____ terrace is formed when a wave cut platform is uplifted above sea level
  8. 9. The area between mean low tide and the highest level on land affected by storm waves
  9. 12. Isolated beaches in protected embayments
  10. 13. A deposit of unconsolidated sediment that extends landward from low tide to a change in topography or to where permanent vegetation begins
  11. 14. The area of the beach that is usually dry and covered by water only during storms or exceptionally high tides
  12. 15. Forms around a subsiding volcanic island
  13. 20. A spit that extends from the shoreline and connects an island to the mainland
  14. 21. An island composed of sand and separated from the mainland by a lagoon
  15. 22. Beach with a small berm, coarser sediment, and offshore sand bars parallel to the shoreline
  16. 23. Bottom of the wave
  17. 25. Part of a shoreline commonly bounded by cliffs, that extend out into the sea or a lake
  18. 29. Includes the shoreline as well as an area of indefinite width seaward and landward of the shoreline
  19. 30. A beach with a wide berm, a gently sloping beach face and a smooth offshore profile
  20. 32. The force primarily responsible for tides