Geologic History and Geologic Events

  1. 2. is the portion of Earths crust composed mainly of low-density siliceous
  2. 3. rocks that form from magma below the surface
  3. 4. rocks have mineral composition between those of basaltic and granitic rocks
  4. 8. a scientific theory that the Earths surface is made of very large sections that move very slowly
  5. 10. remains of species that existed on Earth for short periods of time
  1. 1. 75% of rocks exposed at the surface are
  2. 5. to move toward one point and join together
  3. 6. is located at depths ranging from near the surface to about 150km below the surface
  4. 7. pumice,obsidian,scoria are examples of
  5. 9. Remains, imprints, traces of prehistoric organisms