Geological Events/ Natural Disasters

  1. 3. A region in the Pacific Ocean where over 450 volcanoes, violent earthquakes, & tsunami's occur.
  2. 5. When two lithospheric plates slide past
  3. 6. where Earth's tectonic plates dive back into the mantle, at rates of a few to several centimeters per year.
  4. 8. Large block of lithosphedric plates that move underneath the Earth's surface.
  5. 10. The Japanese word "tsunami".
  6. 13. Hot liquid molten beneath the Earth's crust.
  7. 14. A volcano that no longer erupt is ______.
  8. 20. Scientist who study movement underneath the Earth's crust.
  9. 23. The shaking of Earth's surface resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves.
  10. 24. The number given to record the size of an Earthquake.
  11. 26. A thick semi-solid layer of the Earth that also makes up 70% of the Earth's mass.
  12. 27. The study of Earth's physical structure.
  13. 28. When two lithospheric plates move away.
  1. 1. A sleeping but very active volcano.
  2. 2. When two lithospheric plates collide.
  3. 4. Scientist who study the formation of Earth's physical structure.
  4. 6. A device the measures the intensity of an earthquake.
  5. 7. Once magma hits the Earth's surface it becomes ________.
  6. 9. A theory explaining the structure of the earth's crust and many associated phenomena as resulting from the interaction of rigid lithospheric plates which move slowly over the underlying mantle.
  7. 11. A crack in the Earth's surface
  8. 12. the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  9. 15. Giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea.
  10. 16. the upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere that plate move on.
  11. 17. The edges around tectonic plates where plates meet.
  12. 18. The underground space usually deep below the earth's surface occupied by magma.
  13. 19. An opening in the earth's crust through which lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape.
  14. 21. the location on the surface of the Earth directly above where the earthquake starts.
  15. 22. The study of movement underneath the Earth's crust.
  16. 25. volcanoes that have a recent history of eruptions; likely to erupt again.