Geological Processes

  1. 1. A plate boundary where two plates are moving towards each other.
  2. 5. A plate boundary where two plates are moving away from each other.
  3. 7. Rock that has changed due to intense heat and/or pressure.
  4. 8. Rocks made up of sediments that have been cemented together
  5. 11. Where two plates meet is called a plate _______.
  6. 12. Two plates sliding past each other is called a _____ boundary.
  7. 13. The theory that the earth has plates and that they move is plate _______
  8. 16. The theory of continental drift was put together by a scientist named Alfred ________.
  1. 2. Shaking on the earth's surface.
  2. 3. Hot liquid rock under the earth's surface.
  3. 4. The process that breaks rocks down into smaller pieces.
  4. 6. When one plate is pulled underneath another plate.
  5. 9. The part of the earth that the plates are moving around on.
  6. 10. The top layer of the earth.
  7. 14. The solid middle of the earth.
  8. 15. Rocks made from cooling magma.