Geology of Mars

  1. 2. Interacting parts that make a complex whole
  2. 4. Raised domes with spread-out cracks on Venus
  3. 6. Breaking down rocks into smaller pieces
  4. 8. Solid part of a planet
  5. 9. All the living things on the planet
  6. 11. When two channels come together to make one channel
  7. 12. A long narrow groove that forms where water, lava, or other liquid flows
  8. 15. The shape of many small channels coming from the main channel
  9. 16. All liquid & frozen water of a planet
  1. 1. A scientist who studies the states of matter of the Earth and other planets
  2. 3. An object, diagram or computer program
  3. 5. Melted rock
  4. 7. Mixture of gases surrounding a planet
  5. 10. or easier to see
  6. 13. A feature that forms on the surface of a planet, such as a mountain, channel or sand dune
  7. 14. helps us understand something by making it