Geology Vocabulary

  1. 3. A subdivision of a geologic period
  2. 4. the study of the origin, history, and structure of Earth
  3. 7. Tectonics A theory stating that the earth's surface is broken into plates that move
  4. 9. Process in which sediment is laid down in new locations
  5. 10. a crack in the earth's crust, usually along a lithospheric plate boundary
  1. 1. A unit of geological time into which eras are divided.
  2. 2. core A long cylinder of ice obtained from drilling through icecaps or ice sheets; used to study past climates
  3. 5. A long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic
  4. 6. dating any method of measuring the age of an object or event in years
  5. 8. the largest division of time