
  1. 6. a line segment connecting a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side
  2. 7. half circle
  3. 9. an angle formed when two lines or radii meet at the center of the circle
  4. 12. a pair of non adjacent angles made when two lines intersect
  5. 15. a polygon with one or more interior angles more than 180 degrees
  6. 17. event finding the probability of more than one event
  7. 18. triangle triangle less than 90 degrees
  8. 20. a truth without exact proof
  1. 1. identical, the same
  2. 2. segment connecting the 2 sides of a triangle
  3. 3. the distance around a circle
  4. 4. bisector cuts angle into 2 congruent angles
  5. 5. exact half of a circle
  6. 8. circles with a common center
  7. 10. the shape made when a solid is cut through parallel
  8. 11. segment connecting the 2 sides of a triangle
  9. 13. a line segment connecting two points on a curve
  10. 14. how much space inside of a solid figure
  11. 16. a portion of the circumference
  12. 19. angle either of the angles of a triangle that have one side in common with the base