
  1. 8. when two angles add up to 180 degrees.
  2. 9. the shape becomes exactly like another when flipped onto itself.
  3. 12. a circular movement on a graph.
  4. 13. Example showing that a general statement is false.
  5. 14. two rays that meet at a common place.
  6. 15. the point that is the same distance from 2 points.
  7. 16. a line that passes through two lines in the same plan.
  8. 18. a triangle with one interior angle that is 90 degrees.
  1. 1. more than 90 degrees but less than 80 degrees.
  2. 2. the hypotenuse and one leg are both part of a right triangle.
  3. 3. A function that reverses another function.
  4. 4. a number that describes how steep it is.
  5. 5. a shape on a graph but in a different size.
  6. 6. three sides of a triangle are congruent.
  7. 7. process of reasoning logically from given statements.
  8. 9. a triangle that has three unequal sides.
  9. 10. moving one shape on a graph to another.
  10. 11. A location on a graph.
  11. 17. a line that starts at a point and goes in one direction infinity.
  12. 19. an angle less than 90 degrees.