
  1. 2. nonadjacent angles formed by 2 intersecting lines
  2. 5. side opposite the right angle in a right triangle
  3. 7. segment connecting 2 nonconsecutive vertices of a polygon
  4. 10. quadrilateral with 4 right angles
  5. 12. quadrilateral with 4 congruent sides
  6. 15. 2 pairs of congruent consecutive sides
  7. 17. any flat surface
  8. 18. distance around the circle
  9. 19. length of something
  10. 20. quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
  1. 1. segments with the same length
  2. 3. 1 of the segments that forms a polygon
  3. 4. absolute value of the difference of the coordinates
  4. 6. any side of a shape
  5. 8. Quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel sides
  6. 9. Non parallel sides of a Trapezoid
  7. 11. points that lie in the same plane
  8. 13. to divide into 2 congruent parts
  9. 14. quadrilateral with 4 congruent sides and 4 right angles
  10. 16. equilateral and equiangular polygon