
  1. 3. has no straight lines.
  2. 5. 3D figure of a square.
  3. 6. The half of the diameter
  4. 8. Length x width x height
  5. 13. Angle of 180ยบ
  6. 15. A type of triangle that has only TWO sides of the same length.
  7. 16. A figure with at least 3 straight sides and angles.
  8. 17. A straight line that passes from side to side in the center of a circle.
  9. 18. Line that goes only in ONE direction.
  10. 20. Space between two intersecting lines meet.
  1. 1. Quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides.
  2. 2. The unit measurement o angles.
  3. 4. a figure that has 2 sets of parallel lines.
  4. 7. Motion of a circular movement with a fixed point.
  5. 9. shape with 2 sets of parallel lines and all sides have the same length.
  6. 10. Flat closed shape of 4 straight sides.
  7. 11. Distance around the edge of a shape.
  8. 12. a mark connecting 2 points.
  9. 14. Point where 3 or more edges meet.
  10. 19. Base x height.