
  1. 4. the point that is in the middle between two points.
  2. 5. A line segment that is cut at the midpoint of the line segment so that the length of the two sides is exactly the same.
  3. 6. when two line segments are exactly the same, they are ________.
  4. 9. created by two rays, the rays have the same endpoint.
  5. 10. A line segment that is cut at the midpoint of the line segment so that the length on both sides of the horizontal line is exactly the same, and the two line segments are perpendicular to each other.
  6. 11. a two-dimensional surface.
  7. 13. Form angle. Rays are _____, and the endpoint is _____.
  8. 14. points that are in the same line, and the points are ____.
  9. 16. expand in two opposite directions, no end
  10. 19. Angles that are exactly the same.
  11. 20. have a specific symbol to represent. When two lines, angles, or planes are the same size, they are _____.
  12. 21. when more than one line is called _________. They are not coplanar, not parallel, not perpendicular, and will never intersect.
  13. 22. when two planes will never intersect and have the same slope, they are called ____.
  14. 23. the measure of the angle is more than 90 degree and less than 180 degree.
  15. 24. when two points exist in the same plane, so these two points are ____.
  1. 1. when more than one lines intersect with each other, and create a right angle between them, they are called _________.
  2. 2. a formula that is used to calculate the midpoint between two points in a line.
  3. 3. A ray that cuts the angle into two equal angles, the measurement of two equal angles is exactly the same angle degrees.
  4. 7. the measure of the angle is less than 90 degree.
  5. 8. when more than one line in the same slope, same plane, and will never intersect with each other, they are called __________.
  6. 12. a part of a line composed by two connected endpoints.
  7. 15. the measure of the angle is equal to 90 degree.
  8. 17. a formula that is used to calculate distance-between two points
  9. 18. a location, more than one ______ can be connected by line.
  10. 25. one side has endpoints and one side doesn't have, and the side is expanding in one direction.