
  1. 4. a triangle in which all three sides have different lengths
  2. 8. a transformation representing flip off a figure
  3. 10. a line or ray that divides and angle into two congruent angels
  4. 12. a triangle in which one of the interior angels is 90 degrees
  5. 13. any angle greater than 90 degrees
  6. 18. two angles whose measures add up to 90 degrees
  7. 19. the sum of the squared sides of a right triangle equals the length of the hypotenuse squared
  1. 1. two angles whose measures add up to 180
  2. 2. at an angle of 90 degrees to a given line, plane, or surface
  3. 3. a triangle in which two sides have the same length
  4. 5. the middle point of a segment
  5. 6. moves a shape up, down or from side to side
  6. 7. exactly equal in terms of shape and size
  7. 9. a line that intersect two or more lines
  8. 11. lying in the same straight line
  9. 14. dividing on thing into two equal parts
  10. 15. it's smaller than a right angle
  11. 16. two lines that never intersect
  12. 17. the same plane