
  1. 4. A quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides
  2. 6. Three or more triangular faces that meet at a point
  3. 11. The amount of space within the perimeter
  4. 12. Perimeter of a circle
  5. 14. Two dimensional surface that extends infinitely far
  6. 16. Six side polygon
  7. 17. The distance around the edge of a shape
  8. 19. The amount of space in a object
  9. 20. Solid figure whose two end faces are similar
  1. 1. Line segment joining two points on a curve
  2. 2. Three dimensional shape contained by six equal squares
  3. 3. A round solid figure
  4. 5. An angle greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
  5. 7. Lines that are always same apart
  6. 8. Length of a line sliced down the center of a pie
  7. 9. A figure with four equal sides and four right angles
  8. 10. Five sided polygon
  9. 12. Roughly circular base to a point
  10. 13. A line segment extending from the center of a circle
  11. 15. Point where two straight lines meet
  12. 18. A line that has one endpoint