
  1. 2. angle more than 90 degrees
  2. 4. Likes to chase mice
  3. 6. the angles that are formed when two parallel lines are intersected by the transversal
  4. 8. when three or more points are on the same line
  5. 9. two lines that go straight and don't intersect
  6. 14. the middle part of a straight line
  7. 16. is a geometric transformation that moves every point of a figure
  8. 18. has three sides that are all different lengths
  9. 19. a set of points in space are coplanar if there exists a geometric plane that contains them all
  10. 21. Has a trunk
  11. 22. a shape with three sides
  12. 23. Large marsupial
  1. 1. a line that has points A B and C on it
  2. 3. Reflection mapping a shape on the graph but like as a mirror
  3. 4. when two shapes have the same size and same shape
  4. 5. two angles that add up to 90 degrees
  5. 7. Flying mammal
  6. 10. when a triangle has every side equal to each other Bisector
  7. 11. the sum of the squares on the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square on the hypotenuse
  8. 12. angle less than 90 degrees
  9. 13. Man's best friend
  10. 15. line that separates something and makes them equal to each other
  11. 17. angles that add up to 180
  12. 20. angle exactly 90 degree