
  1. 1. Instrument for laying down and measuring
  2. 3. A location in any space and is represented by a dot
  3. 4. A small crossing section
  4. 5. Unit of measurement of angles
  5. 6. Straight; Edged tip, used for measurement
  6. 8. Never intersect; same distance apart
  7. 12. Straight; never ending
  8. 13. A shared point with two lines
  9. 14. a point halfway between two ends
  1. 1. Intersect at a 90 degree angle
  2. 2. two right angles
  3. 4. 90 degree angle
  4. 7. a point opposite to farthest from base figure
  5. 9. Used to designate the measure or rotation
  6. 10. A flat or level surface
  7. 11. a line in between two dots