
  1. 3. A straight line that bisects an angle or a line segment
  2. 6. A four-sided polygon
  3. 8. A segment that connects two non adjacent vertices of a polygon
  4. 9. The distance around a figure
  5. 12. A quadrilateral in which all the angles have the same measures
  6. 13. A simple quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  7. 15. A transformation that slides a figure a given distance in a given direction
  8. 16. A specific identifiable position in a continuum or series
  9. 18. One of several parts that fit with others to make a whole
  10. 20. The length of the closed curve of a circle.
  1. 1. A three-sided polygon
  2. 2. Have the same shape and size
  3. 4. The act of changing in form or shape or appearance
  4. 5. When Two angles add up to 180 degrees
  5. 7. Two angles that add up to 90 degrees
  6. 10. The points where two line segments come together
  7. 11. Coplanar straight lines that do not intersect at any point
  8. 14. Angle An angle that measures 90 degrees
  9. 17. Being essentially comparable to something
  10. 19. A figure formed by two line segments or rays with a common endpoint
  11. 21. A plane curve with every point equidistant from the center