  1. 4. A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.
  2. 6. A parallelogram with four equal, or congruent, sides.
  3. 9. The number of square units needed to cover a surface.
  4. 11. A polygon with three sides and three angles.
  5. 14. Having the EXACT same size and shape.
  6. 15. A straight path of points in a plane that continues without end in both directions with NO endpoints.
  7. 16. A polygon with four sides and four angles.
  8. 19. An angle that forms a square corner and has a measure of 90 degrees.
  9. 20. Lines that cross each other at exactly one point.
  1. 1. An angle whose measure is 180 degrees.
  2. 2. Two lines that intersect to form four right angles.
  3. 3. A parallelogram with four equal, or congruent, sides and four right angles.
  4. 5. A quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel and equal, or congruent.
  5. 7. An angle that measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees.
  6. 8. An angle that measures greater than 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees.
  7. 10. A parallelogram with opposite sides that are equal, or congruent, and with four right angles.
  8. 12. Lines in the same plane that never intersect and are always the same distance apart.
  9. 13. An exact location in space.
  10. 17. A part of a line; it has one endpoint and continues without end in one direction.
  11. 18. The point at either end of line segment of the starting point of a ray.