
  1. 4. Moving every point of a figure
  2. 5. Comparison between 2 numbers
  3. 7. Proof that an angle/line is equal to itself
  4. 8. Changing the size of a figure
  5. 9. Two angles that add up to 90 degrees
  6. 12. Lines that intersect at 90 degrees
  7. 16. Equal and comparable lines/angles
  8. 17. The X-axis intersects with the Y-axis
  9. 18. Halfway through the diameter of a circle
  10. 19. Two angles that add up to 180 degrees
  11. 20. Shape with 5 sides and 5 angles
  1. 1. The middle part of a line segment
  2. 2. Lines that always are the same distance apart
  3. 3. Statement that 2 ratios are equal
  4. 6. Mirror image of a shape
  5. 10. Moving a figure at an angle saving 1 point
  6. 11. Shape with 6 sides 6 angles
  7. 13. Distance around the edge of a circle
  8. 14. Describes the direction and steepness of a line
  9. 15. Shape with 8 sides 8 angles