
  1. 2. word for a shape that is translated x amounts of units
  2. 4. Starts with a T in sohcahtoa
  3. 8. is where it bounces off an object
  4. 12. opposite of a left triangle
  5. 14. the equation of a^2+b^2=c^2
  6. 16. 4 sides and 4 angles
  7. 17. A shape that is round
  8. 18. 5 sides and 5 angles
  9. 19. The chance of an object lands on something
  1. 1. more than 90 degrees
  2. 3. the point in between to points
  3. 5. lxwxh
  4. 6. less than 90 degrees
  5. 7. never touch
  6. 9. 3 sides and 3 angles
  7. 10. 4 sides
  8. 11. Triangle
  9. 13. starts with a c in sohcahtoa
  10. 15. intersect each other
  11. 16. Starts with an s in sohcahtoa