
  1. 2. a triangle which has two sides equal
  2. 4. x^2
  3. 5. 4th-dimensional triangle
  4. 6. x^3
  5. 7. width of a circle
  6. 8. the area of the surface of an object
  7. 12. how to find a side with only 1 side and an angle
  8. 13. half of the diameter
  9. 14. 3.141592654...
  10. 16. a triangle with one internal angle equal to 90 degrees
  11. 17. 4th-dimensional square
  12. 19. a quadrilateral having both pairs of opposite sides parallel to each other
  13. 20. a triangle having three unequal sides and angles
  1. 1. a triangle with equal sides and angles
  2. 3. the perimeter of a circle
  3. 9. how to find the slant of a triangle
  4. 10. a polygon with four sides
  5. 11. an equilateral parallelogram having oblique angles
  6. 15. a parallelogram having four right angles
  7. 18. the space inside an object