
  1. 2. Ancient Greek Philosopher
  2. 5. a form of quadrilateral that has four sides and no right angles
  3. 6. the amount of space on the face of a 2d shape
  4. 10. a 2d figure with 3 sides
  5. 11. amount of space inside a 3d shape
  6. 12. a quadrilateral with four sides and one pair of parallel sides
  7. 13. changing the orientation of a shape
  8. 14. the infinitely long number used to find area and circumference of a circle
  9. 16. soh in sohcahtoa
  10. 17. mirroring a figure across an axis
  11. 18. the size of the perimeter of a circle
  12. 19. cah in sohcahtoa
  1. 1. toa in sohcahtoa
  2. 2. the theorem used to find a side of a triangle
  3. 3. moving a shape across a flat plain
  4. 4. a quadrilateral with four sides and two pairs of parallel sides
  5. 7. ability to fold a shape across itself so it lines up the edges
  6. 8. Change in the size of a shape
  7. 9. A four-sided figure
  8. 15. A geometric shape with multiple triangular faces