
  1. 4. an eight-sided polygon
  2. 6. a segment that connects two nonadjacent vetices of a polygon
  3. 7. part of a line that starts at a particular point and extends infinitely far in one direction
  4. 10. A line from the center of a circle to any point on the edge of the circle
  5. 11. a line that divides a figure in half so that each half is the mirror imgae of the other
  6. 14. a line with a beginning and ending point.
  7. 15. a five-sided polygon
  8. 16. a straight one-dimensional figure having no thickness and extending infinitely in both directions
  9. 17. a dot on a plane
  10. 18. a six-sided polygon
  1. 1. is a series of connected line segments that starts and ends at the same place and does not intersect itself itself anywhere in betwenn
  2. 2. a ten-sided polygon
  3. 3. a four-sided polygon
  4. 5. a three-sided polygon
  5. 7. an angle that measures 90 degrees
  6. 8. a common endpont of two sides of a poygon or an angle
  7. 9. two geometric objects having the same measure
  8. 12. a figure formed by two line segments or rays with a commom endpoint
  9. 13. a seven-sided polygon
  10. 15. the distance around a figure