
  1. 2. I can be right, acute, or obtuse
  2. 5. the area of the surface of a 3-D object
  3. 7. the distance around the outside of a shape
  4. 9. the flat surfaces of a solid object
  5. 12. the shape formed by slicing an object
  1. 1. the amount of space a 3-D object takes up
  2. 3. 3-D figure with one base and triangular lateral faces
  3. 4. the point where two or more edges meet
  4. 6. 2-D composite figure folded to form a 3-D object
  5. 8. line segment where two faces meet
  6. 10. the perimeter of a circle
  7. 11. 3-D figure with two bases and rectangular lateral faces